5 Ways to Upgrade Agricultural Biotech with Farm Management Systems

5 Ways to Upgrade Agricultural Biotech with Farm Management Systems

Agricultural biotechnology is among the most revolutionary technologies that have transformed the farming industry, and so are farm management systems. With advent of next generation technologies, the convergence of agricultural biotechnology and farm management platforms is likely to herald a new beginning for the Agriculture 5.0 trend. Also, many governing bodies are encouraging agricultural biotechnology businesses to facilitate sustainable farming and overcome challenges of food security.

With over 7.8 billion mouths to feed, the world is looking at crop biotechnology to carry weight in order to ensure food sustainability and food security, especially amidst the challenges of climate change and the outbreak of novel coronavirus. FarmERP’s agriculture management system can empower agricultural biotech businesses with high-tech features of its biotech module to ensure operational productivity in a seamless manner even in difficult situations, and lead towards Agriculture 5.0.

Future of Biotechnology to Steer Agriculture towards Sustainability

Agriculture science has been reaching new heights with research & development activities carried out by scientists worldwide. In order to boost the quantity and quality of yield, researchers found a way to grow exact copies of several crops without seeds. Plant tissue culture technology has emerged as one of the most straightforward and simplest techniques for agribusinesses to feed the global population sustainably by facilitating large scale planting and production.

The application of plant tissue culture can be successfully implemented with trained workforce, nursery, sterile workplace, nursery, and greenhouse. However, it also requires an effective system of farm management in place in order to deal with any complexities that may come to the fore during the entire process. FarmERP offers high-tech features in its farm management system to ensure that all the processes such as ordering mother plant stocks, preparing media for inoculation, actual production, and contamination observation, are managed in a digital and hassle-free manner.

This article explains how agricultural biotechnology businesses can implement an effective farm management system to implement farm planning strategies and digitalize all their operations for higher productivity.

1. Digitalize the Management of Procuring Mother Plant Stocks

The first ever step towards successful tissue culture harvesting is to procure high-quality mother plant stock and manage them for effective propagation of plants. Poor management of mother plant stock eventually reflects in low quality of cuttings. It is an important aspect of farm management for agricultural biotechnology businesses to ensure that the mother stock plants that have been ordered are healthy specimens of tissue culture plants that the business plans to propagate for profit.

FarmERP’s farm management system offers a digital farming platform for field supervisors or respective managers to record all the details about the mother plant stocks such as field, plot, date of planting, and cultivation area. Collecting all this data can help them ensure that the mother plant is free of diseases and is a premium example of its species. With this feature of FarmERP’s farm management platform, agribusinesses can effectively manage the responsibilities of producing high-quality plants at the end of the production cycle.

2. Manage Resources for Artificial Media Solution Preparation

Media preparation is a crucial part of tissue culture raised plant production, as this is where the tissue culture plants are inoculated to grow. Appropriate selection of media is an important factor on which the success of agricultural biotechnology businesses depends on. This is why agribusinesses must ensure that the medium chosen creates ideal conditions for plant growth, ultimately contributing to the success of the business.

FarmERP facilitates the process of artificial media preparation with its high-tech farm management system. Based on the quantitative parameters, FarmERP enables agribusinesses to ensure efficient agricultural planning and management of the resources such as ingredients, number of hours, and materials required. This further helps them ensure higher productivity while maintaining quality during the plant inoculation process.

3. Streamline all the Stages of Production through Plant Inoculation

Agribusinesses with large capacities of tissue culture plant production usually witness farm management challenges when it comes to streamlining the production activities. Keeping a track record of various production and inoculation stages that different batches of tissue culture plant are can be extremely complex, which ultimately makes a major impact on the overall farm management.

FarmERP’s agriculture management system simplifies this task by offering a platform to record each and every stage of production, indicating different phases of actual dissection of plants during inoculation. In FarmERP’s farm management platform, field supervisors can track production stages including initiation, rooting, multiplication, and hardening, and note the next processes that will be performed on the batch after the current stage.

While streamlining these stages of plant inoculation, FarmERP’s farm management platform also records more details related to the tissue culture, such as input, media preparation, laboratory, variety of crops, and location of the facility as well as through post-production operations.

4. Keep Track of Culture and Contamination Observations and Feedback

There is no challenge for agricultural biotech businesses, including nurseries and tissue culture laboratories, that is as complex as tissue culture loss due to contamination. Thereby, it is one of the most important processes in biotech farm management to observe and manage tissue culture contamination.

Tissue culture contamination may be destructive or benign and it may be caused due to chemical or biological reasons. Constantly monitoring and noting observations related to tissue culture contamination is inevitable for agribusinesses that are aiming to lead in the agricultural biotechnology industry. However, this task can prove to be terribly tedious in case of large production facilities.

The agriculture management system offered by FarmERP offers a high-tech platform for field supervisors to make the contamination observation process less stressful. They can input all their observations and feedback in FarmERP’s farm management system simply by highlighting the pre-defined parameters of contamination. This can also enable them to track the whole process back to the source of the problem and inspect it thoroughly to curb the similar incidence in future.

5. Ensure Comprehensive Traceability in Agriculture Biotech-produced Plants

Traceability is among the most important components of any agricultural product which helps consumers to weigh the quality of goods before making a purchase. Farm management technologies must enable agricultural biotech businesses to ensure that all the tissue culture raised plants and their products are going through a procedure that ensures their end-to-end traceability.

Traceability of agricultural products is usually ensured with the maintenance and management of several records of inputs, operations, material movement, and product labeling across all processes. Agricultural biotech businesses must implement standard operating procedures (SOPs) that are developed for tissue culture production facilities, which can enable them to work out traceability in their favour.

FarmERP’s agriculture management system incorporates advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in order to monitor and track the production of tissue culture raised plants and products as well as their testing processes. It also acquires and stores important data in its high-tech farm management system to help agribusinesses achieve evidential traceability of their products.

FarmERP is one of the most trusted agriculture management platforms, that is helping agribusinesses to enhance their product traceability and make their supply chains resilient with technology. FarmERP’s farm management system not only helps in ensuring public health but also maintains the credibility of the product by only providing products that comply with all health and safety standards , thereby making their business processes more efficient and boosting profitability.