Agricultural R&D – Take the Tech Route to Drive Powerful Innovations

Agricultural research and development (R&D) is a crucial determinant of crop productivity and farming efficiency. With agricultural R&D, the rising severity of agricultural challenges, that is growing at an unprecedented pace can be addressed easily. Rising food production demand, climate change, deteriorating soil quality, etc are making the future for farming and food production seem very bleak. This has highlighted the need to innovate intelligent techniques to pull agriculture out of this grave crisis.
R&D is an essential element that can draw vital insights into a wide range of agriculture functions. The use of technology can speed up the agricultural research and development practices of data gathering and analysis. This can be useful in quickly generating effective measures to enhance agricultural productivity.
Tech-integration with R&D can be helpful in introducing sustainable and productive agricultural practices. With agritech, smart irrigation measures can be innovated that ensure optimal water utilisation. Crop simulation models can also devise agricultural practices that are resilient to weather or soil anomalies.
IoT Sensors & Drones Streamlining R&D Data Gathering
Precision in the data gathering process is indispensable. While capturing evidence or informative farm data for agricultural R&D, it is important to make sure that the collected data is accurate. Errors in the collection of data can lead to incorrect trends or pattern discovery. This can take a toll on decision-making and affect agricultural R&D efforts.
The use of advanced technologies can make the data gathering process more efficient. IoT-driven agriculture can facilitate sensor-integration with farm machinery to track the number of farm parameters and collect data accurately. From soil quality and moisture content to the impact of pests and the effectiveness of fertilisers, these sensors can record information related to a number of agricultural parameters.
Agricultural drones also play an important role in surveying agricultural fields for data gathering. With aerial images of farms, drones provide highly accurate information related to the crop and weather conditions that trigger pest infestations and diseases. The use of these images in conjunction with data collected from other monitoring devices can also be beneficial in making better agricultural R&D decisions.
How Data Analytics Can Drive Insightful R&D Evaluations
The advent of IoT systems, sensors, drones and many other technologies are enabling the collection of humongous volumes of agricultural data. Analysing such big volumes of data to generate meaningful insights for R&D activities can be quite a tough challenge. This is where big data and analytics can come to the rescue of agricultural R&D organisations.
Analysing the collected data is a vital prerequisite to making informed R&D decisions. Big data and analytics tools can extract actionable insights from massive amounts of unstructured information. It can help R&D companies to draw inferences that are crucial in improving the efficiency of agricultural practices. Moreover, it can also enable agricultural R&D companies to study weather patterns and innovate climate-resilient agriculture procedures.
With real-time insights, big data analytics can aid the continuous upgradation of agricultural R&D functions across the research lifecycle. Leveraging analytics tools can also assist research organisations in building predictive analytical models. This can enable R&D companies to constantly refine agricultural processes and introduce new ways of practising precision agriculture.
ERP Platforms Fuelling Innovations for Irrigation Management
Water resource scarcity is one of the most severe threats that the agricultural sector is facing today. Inventing and implementing sustainable irrigation solutions can be one of the most effective ways to mitigate this water crisis.
Advanced agriculture ERP platforms can make a crucial contribution to innovating sustainable irrigation solutions and changing the paradigm of water resource management. Tech-driven agricultural R&D activities can help researchers and agricultural scientists in precisely determining the impact of water stress on specific crops.
Tech-integration can assist R&D companies in introducing sustainable irrigation strategies suitable for a range of farm environments. It can also help R&D companies to regularly record irrigation data and devise strategies that ensure optimal water utilisation for every crop.
Crop Simulation Models Unlocking New Sustainable Agriculture Possibilities
While meeting the rapidly growing agricultural production demands, ensuring the optimal use of resources is also imperative. Accomplishing the goal of sustainable agriculture is one of the major hurdles that farmers are facing globally. Consequently, agricultural R&D activities across the world are centered around the objective of ensuring sustainability with the judicious use of resources.
Crop simulation modelling can be a handy tool for the quantitative analysis of the growth and production of crops. It utilises advanced technologies to assess a host of farm factors and enables more efficient and targeted research planning.
This tech-infused model can also assist R&D companies in predicting crop yields and testing a range of crop responses to environmental impacts. This way, crop simulation models can significantly contribute to developing sustainable agriculture by ensuring highly efficient agricultural R&D.
FarmERP – Tapping into the Potential of Agricultural Innovation
FarmERP is an advanced farm management platform that partners with agricultural R&D establishments and contributes to making agriculture more sustainable. The IT experts of FarmERP can work in collaboration with agricultural scientists or researchers to develop systems that guarantee better crop productivity.
FarmERP’s excellent record-keeping and data analysis capabilities can ensure productive and fruitful R&D trials. We can also utilise our smart farm management platform to redesign various R&D activities for better and quicker results. This can be helpful in finding efficient ways to boost agricultural productivity in the face of climate change, water scarcity, pest attacks, etc.
FarmERP can be part of joint agri-IT programs and assist in the overall development of the agriculture sector. FarmERP can also offer a number of advanced technologies to streamline R&D activities. These technologies include machine learning, crop simulation modelling, predictive analytics, climate-resilient agriculture, precision farming tools, and many other advanced technologies.
Contact us to know more about how FarmERP can assist R&D organisations across the world with excellent technology offerings.