FarmERP platform being used for Village Transformation Projects

In this digital era, resource poor farmers are often deprived of technology and solutions based on it. Right inputs, timely agronomic and weather based advice can change lives of marginal farmers. But with very less spending power and small land holding does not enable these farmers to avail benefits of technology. Huge and remarkable efforts are being put forth in this direction globally through developmental projects.
Many Governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, CSR institutions which are working on developmental projects for small farmers normally struggle to monitor project progress. Keeping track on activities done by Field officers on ground and coordination among them prove to be a headache. Also in the end assessing impact remains a greater challenge.
FarmERP experts have analysed these business processes which resulted in gap analysis. We realized these gaps in our smart ERP platform. Through FarmERP platform, a centralized control over the data being generated at all project levels is established.
Project officers and Field officers can work in synchronization to achieve the project objectives. Task planning and execution can be recorded farmer wise and plot wise. Agronomists can push Crop schedules and weather based advisory to farmers over a mobile app or in form of an SMS in local language.
FarmERP mobile application helps field executives to capture the data when they are moving in the fields. App works as native application and can capture data without having Internet connectivity. Data is then synced with Centralized FarmERP server. This enables business continuity in remote places.
Recording agricultural activities done by farmers and observations on their plots can be very easily captured using mobile app. Agronomists can provide recommendations based observations. All the data which is captured at granular level becomes a valuable asset for organization. This data could be analysed using FarmERP Analytics module and further utilized for decision making and impact analysis.
Data for various programs could be managed on single server. Organizational hierarchy is easily mapped in FarmERP, thus empowering the users with inherent ERP benefits.
- Gained complete control over operations across multiple programs and locations
- Field staff monitoring and tracking made easy
- Can capture data to granular level per plot and customized advisory can be generated
- Improved communication to individual farmer and coordination among project staff
- Program wise Impact analysis can be easily measured
- Overall operational efficiency is improved by 20%