Tree wise Record Management– A Plantation Accelerant

Plantation is an important contributor to the world’s biodiversity. It not only alleviates rural unemployment and brings down erosion, but also gives nutritional security and provides a source of livelihood to the marginalized sections of the society.
While the world population will grow from 7 billion (in 2011) to 9.3 billion (by 2050), the applicable demand for food too will increase substantially. This necessitates an increase of 60% in food production over current levels. With the limited cultivable land resources, this can happen only if there is proper control over the Plantation produce. Hence, it becomes important to keep track of the trees so that vital data like volume of produce and crop forecasting can be visible.
For plantation owners it requires a huge investment to set up the plantation and agroforestry business and sustain it over the years. Hence it makes total business sense to automate the process of tree-level data capture and automated data retrieval.
This is exactly where FarmERP Record Management for Plantation comes into the picture.
It has a comprehensive feature to monitor tree wise information. Be it Rubber plantation, Eucalyptus, coconut, sandalwood, Date palm, oil palm, Stone & pome Fruit trees. It features a unique QR-code based tree tagging. The plantation manager can quickly scan the QR code using his mobile device to get accurate and up-to-date information about a tree.
What FarmERP does?
The feature rich tool ensures plantation owners stay on top of their land cultivation and produce volumes. With this tool, sales analysis becomes simplified and forecasting the land produce and cost of production can be made accurately. It offers quick overview of every single tree via an innovative tagging method that fetches data on your smartphone via QR codes.
Here are some features of the FarmERP tree-wise record management for plantations
- Basic details like site, plot, crop variety, with a unique tree code can be retrieved.
- Tags are weather proof to withstand extreme / harsh weather like rains or snow
- Mobile app based QR scanning gives up-to-date information
- Input usage can be recorded – What inputs are used e.g fertilizers, chemicals
- Geotagging of trees so that it can be visualized over Maps
- Periodic tree valuation analysis
- Tree wise observations can be noted
- Tree wise harvest record is maintained
- Tree-wise planting history & growth parameters can be recorded.
Advantages delivered
- Tracking and monitoring at granular level becomes easier.
- Continuous monitoring is possible with weather proof physical tags fixed to the trees.
- Decision making becomes easier as it not based on guesswork but on accurate data
- Better knowledge of resources used on the land, forecasting is made easy for next fiscal year
- Information retrieval is streamlined through precise geo-tagging
- Data backed information at tree level. Plantation owner can ascertain value of individual tree which is considered as biological asset.
- Trends can be noted about tree wise yield and agronomic issues.
- Determines vital information about the efficacy of cost of cultivation.