South Africa’s most advanced Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory deploys FarmERP

To control timely production cycles, to reduce contamination levels and to achieve end to end traceability for a capacity of 5 Million plants per annum


The client is one of the leading exporters in India. They are mainly into export of Grapes to various countries. The company was incorporated in 2000 to better serve the Farm Equipment Sector’s extensive base of rural customers.

The company currently works with more than 2500 farmers from the Nashik, Sangli, Latur and Solapur regions of Maharashtra for grape production and export operations. It not only procures fresh produce from farmers, but also provides end to end extension services – including agronomy, certification, grading and packaging, etc.

The company enables farmers to produce the best quality grapes and gives them access to international markets.


With highly sophisticated area, lab users were struggling in tracing the origin of the product. Users were unable to trace the batches due to the large number of production on daily bases. Dube AgriLab comprises a tissue culture laboratory, hardening facility and a dispatch area. The laboratory consists of a large cleanroom, with three individually insulated transfer rooms and three individually climate-controlled grow rooms; as well as a medium preparation area and washing facilities which made the Traceability a must-have feature.

  • The templates for preparation of media and solution was totally a paper work which created lots of data duplication.
  • Media preparation and expiry was not identical.
  • High rate of Contamination was observed in media as well as in cultures and saplings, which resulted in high mortality and discard rate. Also the reason of contamination was unknown.
  • Pre-Sales Planning was not possible, resulted in lack of saleable saplings, mismanagement of resources in lab and greenhouse, low quality output.
  • The client also faced huge challenge in measuring the performance of the media as well as the operators.
  • They used to have a tedious job for maintaining the stages of cultures, monitoring it’s variety along with its next transfer date.


We focused on establishing centralized control over multiple faces of operations in various stages. FarmERP implementation enhanced productivity and efficiency of the client’s operations. The production and planning module and its varied features, curtailed the contamination thereby controlling the quality of cultivars by 15%. Thus ensuring quality sales of products based on the presales plan.

The planning module was implemented to record all the presales requirements which helped the client to plan all the resources smoothly and lead to minimum requirement of on-the spot resource and saleable products. FarmERP helped the client to monitor the contaminations observed. Also facility to manage the discard of plants and revert the containers to the inventory.

The Client can now easily trace the origin of the plant, as system has a unique code combination for each plant produced based on its crop and variety with the stage. Media and Solution Templates are now easily available for reference during preparation in the lab


  • Easily monitor the performance of media, operator and mother plant.
  • Separate reports to monitor stock at each stage on various location.span>
  • Analysis of all the information regarding the contamination and take the desired action at any production stage.
  • Achieved the planned sales targets.